0.1.13 ~ GUI Upgrade

Quick list of changes:

  • Player height now scales with leg size
  • Improved jump mechanic
  • Rebuilt entire GUI
  • Added 'Filter' setting so you can choose the game's aesthetic
  • Damage to helmet now transfers to player

The most striking difference is probably the giant legs-- the player's height now scales with leg size so you can be tall! It does not affect walking speed right now. I also worked on the jump mechanic to be more useful :)

I also remade the entire GUI. I wrote my own little GUI framework that makes it much easier for me to add and edit menus that look good and function well. I added some new settings, including 9 new post-processing filters for making the game look pretty, accessible from the appearance settings menu.

The sea-sickness filter is pretty interesting too.

As always, not sure what the next update will be lol. Good chance it'll be quests, and might include new monsters and items. I'm also an inch away from some progress on distinct biomes. We'll see what happens :^) 



Juice Galaxy 64-Bit 184 MB
Version 0.1.13 Jul 22, 2021
Juice Galaxy 32-Bit 180 MB
Version 0.1.13 Jul 22, 2021
Juice Galaxy Linux 64-Bit 183 MB
Version 0.1.13 Jul 22, 2021
Juice Galaxy Mac 191 MB
Version 0.1.13 Jul 22, 2021

Get Juice Galaxy (formerly Juice World)

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hey fishlicka. what about from Juice Galaxy for iOS and Android?


Finally, now we can fulfill the dream of being extra thicc

can u put more juice in this game? thanks!


ay why am I always a day or two late to updates


Me to

wen i saw GUI i thought like a kill all enemies button and like infinite flight  or something lol


don't say it don't think it don't say it don't think it don't say it don't think it


o h  n o  i  s a i d  i t


Finally, I can be a GIANT!

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