0.2.10 ~ Bubbletropolis

It's been a minute. I hope everyone has been well!

My main goal with this update is to get ready to move the story forward, by adding key storytelling mechanics and doing a bit of worldbuilding with Bubbletropolis. While I wouldn't say the town is done yet, we have a solid start.

There are a couple big changes in this update:

  • Bubbletropolis has been added to the game
  • Ingot can now join your party for adventure

Ingot can now join you on your adventures! Just talk to him in the graveyard and ask him to follow you. He will loosely follow you, killing everything in sight when he's not busy chasing after you. If you get in the car, he will hop on for a ride. If certain conditions are met (most quests complete) he will start you on a quest to go to Bubbletropolis.

Bubbletropolis can be found by taking the road past Hoagen's mushroom out into the wilderness. In this town, Bubblians toil away making bubbles for the Juice Queen. They are behind quota, and do not appreciate when their bubbles are popped. While the area is fairly fleshed out, I have bigger plans for it in the future. This update merely introduces the location, and I look forward to taking the next step with a future update.

Please let me know if have any feedback on the update. Especially since I've probably introduced some cool new bugs with the NPC follower system.

Enjoy the game, and thank you so much for playing. ^^


## [0.2.10]
### Added 
- New Area: Bubbletropolis
- New Item: Bubble Wand
- New Monster: Bubble Elder
- Ingot can now join your adventures (talk to him)
- Archways to show roads near Hoagen's shroom home
- Cheatcode: IAmIronMan to see from Ingot's view
### Changed
- Bubblians improved, can talk
- Bubble material improved
- Filter setting: Concussion is now very pretty
- Some Ingot dialog
### Fixed
- Improved grappling swing mechanic
- Improved bubble prison stability when wearing items
- Clog instakills foes that he rolls past


Juice Galaxy 64-Bit 184 MB
Version 0.2.10 Aug 30, 2024
Juice Galaxy 32-Bit 180 MB
Version 0.2.10 Aug 30, 2024
Juice Galaxy Linux 64-Bit 183 MB
Version 0.2.10 Aug 30, 2024
Juice Galaxy Mac 191 MB
Version 0.2.10 Aug 30, 2024

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oops typo


i swear, multiplayer would be chaos


bro always cooks with updates. keep it up


played this game a while rn, and decided to play again. looks a lot cooler than it been, can't wait future updates, we love you!


The ranged/melee hybrid is such a neat idea and I'd love to see more like it. Maybe some kind of magic beam sword that makes a slash projectile when you swing it, sort of like a terraria sword


Looking Juicy




Glad to see this game is still being supported, I think it's wonderful and eagerly await the day it is finished

