Schwing Prototype

Hi everyone. This is a project I made with the idea of animating ragdolls like puppets for a cheat pass at a physical combat system. Stupidly simple, gpu-intensive, but I'd call it a success.
The monsters the game are all ragdolls I created manually (well, partly with a script I wrote). I animate them by applying invisible forces to their body parts. Monsters' heads have buoyancy while their feet have weight, causing them to stand upright and not fly away. I apply additional forces to their feet to make them step, and then drag them around by their heads with yet another invisible force.
There is a Monster script that is applied to the top level of the ragdoll transform. It recursively adds hit-detection scripts to all of its children that have colliders. These hit-detectors call back to the Monster script, which calculates damage taken based on weapon velocity, and plays an 'ouch' sound. - used for the beautiful fog effect that fades into skybox and is actually radial and not planar, like real fog
Get Schwing
Bat swinging physics combat game
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